DSM: High-Tech Fibers from Bio-Based Feedstock

DSM has introduced bio-based feedstock into the production of Dyneema®, the world’s strongest fiber. Dyneema®具有多种用途, from ropes and lines to lightweight high-performance fabrics for outdoor and sports use, 比如自行车运动衫, 帐篷, 和背包. 因为它们非常健壮, garments made with Dyneema® last longer than comparable traditional products, 延长循环寿命. By introducing bio-based feedstock, the use of fossil-based 资源 can be reduced. For every metric ton of bio-based Dyneema® that is produced, DSM is saving approximately 5 metric tons of CO2 equivalent compared to fossil-based Dyneema®.

DSM aims for at least 60% of the Dyneema® fiber feedstock to be bio-based by 2030.

除了, DSM Protective Materials has established an industry coalition consisting of customers, 垃圾处理器, and recycling companies to address the recycling of products made with Dyneema® fiber at the end of their use. An end-of-life program is being set up with a goal for the materials to be cycled in a closed loop through continuous use and recovery.


As a purpose-led, performance-driven company, DSM is committed to creating brighter lives for all. The business group DSM Protective Materials has the ambition to protect 40 million people, 向生物基原料过渡, and power more than 75% of our manufacturing with renewable electricity by 2030. 作为这一承诺的一部分, DSM is taking the next major step in its sustainability journey by introducing the first ever bio-based ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene fiber (branded as Dyneema®) and further reducing our reliance on fossil fuel based 资源.


DSM Protective Materials has the ambition by 2030, to convert at least 60% of its conventional feedstock into bio-based/renewable feedstock that would enable further reduction of its environmental footprint and contribute to the development of brighter living solutions.


DSM closely collaborated with its supplier SABIC and their supplier UPM to introduce a bio-based feedstock for Dyneema®. DSM also worked closely with the ISCC certification scheme to qualify its manufacturing site to comply with ISSC Plus certification. 像这样, DSM is underlining its commitment to driving the sustainability value of Dyneema® and improving the impact of its raw materials.

除了 to this DSM has - together with leading partners across several industries - established a coalition to address the recycling Dyneema®-based products that are at the end of [first] life. The coalition will provide a common platform to share knowledge, 资源, 技术解决方案, with the clear aim of closing the loop on the world’s strongest fiber. 


Bio-based Dyneema® has the lowest carbon footprint per unit strength compared to other synthetic fibers, 同时保持相同的性能, strength and longevity as conventional fibers. Compared to other, generic HMPE fibers, bio-based Dyneema® emits 29 metric tons less CO2 每公吨生产的纤维. 这是等量的CO2 充电释放3.700万部智能手机,或二氧化碳排放量2 absorbed by growing 480 tree seedlings for 10 years.


The customers have identified a match with their Sustainability agenda and value the benefits of bio-based Dyneema® fibers (i.e. less use of fossil 资源, reduction of the environmental footprint). This allows customers to position the solution on the market as a clear differentiator versus others to potentially grow and/or defend their market share.


DSM has the ambition to further grow and implement bio-based Dyneema® into new markets and applications (eg: aquaculture, 个人防护申请). The journey has just begun and bio-based Dyneema® will be a key contributor to our 2030 ambitions while enabling DSM Protective Materials to further reduce its environmental footprint.

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